Greek Islands
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House for sale

Building site for sale

House for sale

Old house Saint Blassis

House for rent

Old houses

Some houses in Crete



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Today  I  had  the my first  contact  with  a village that stand  about  26 km from city  Iraklion, I  saw

some houses  that  are for  sale, but  I could't  to    find  for  this day  more details  just general    informations.

But  I  will  continue  the marketing research  in thi village    until  to find  enough  details  and I  will inform this page, also  I have  an uncle  in this village that help  me in this   job, for now  I take  some photos,

and the prices are are about  8804euro  until  14673 euro.

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this house stand in an building site  about  1000mē

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this house  stand  also  in a building site  about  1000mē

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